FAQs About Bags Wholesale
COMELYBAGS has been wholesaling bags for 12 years and we have encountered all kinds of problems, here are the most important concerns of our customers before closing the deal.
You can use Western Union, which has a lower fee, or PayPal if you can accept a slightly higher fee, but please note that for new customers, we only accept the 30% T/T of the payment, or if you have been with us for years and run into cash flow pressure, we do offer OA credit.
Refunds are not possible, especially for customized products, which we charge in advance because the products need to be made from different kinds of fibers, such as polyester, pvc. We have to puchase the raw material from fiber factories, they will not accpet our refund, either.
It does happen that if the bags you offer are too complex (like ladies’ fashion leather bags), we may not be able to manufacture it, but be confident that Airscape Textile has 12 years of experience in the industry, we have far more resources than others, and we can help you find the corresponding manufacturer.
In a word, China has a much better industry chain. There may be wholesalers of bags in India, Vietnam and Malaysia, but Airscape Textile can guarantee that our prices can be on par with theirs and our service far exceeds your expectations.
Of course, but it is better to wait until the epidemic subsides. Now we support using ZOOM for online factory inspection.
All promotional bags made from eco-friendly materials are popular, but not every market is the same. For example, some Pakistani customers love simple-design and chepa bags, so if you are planning to purchase them, it is best to ask our experienced consultants.